UPC strengthens university-business relations

Jun 28, 2013

Since 2010, the energy has become the main strategic vector for the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) in terms of teaching, research and business & society transformation. Currently, Energy Campus and KIC InnoEnergy are the base for implementing this vector at both, Spanish and European level.


The first Energy Campus working session focused on:


  1. The "Pla de Doctorats Industrials 2013", the Industry PhD Programme launched by the Generalitat de Catalunya in collaboration with other Catalan universities, which aims to encourage internasionalisation and competitiveness of Catalan industry, avoid brain drain, and involve PhD students in current R&D projects carried out in companies.
  2. The KIC InnoEnergy, one of three Knowledge and Innovation Comunities launched by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), structured as a commercial enterprise. The UPC is the coordinator of the ​​Co-Location Center Iberia, with headquarters in Barcelona.

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