UPC hosted the MAGHRENOV Kick off meeting

Jan 22, 2014

On 16-17 December 2013, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya hosted the MAGHRENOV kick-off meeting in Barcelona. KIC Innoenergy and UPC are two of the six partners of this consortium focused on the convergence between the EU and MAGHREB MPC innovation systems in the field of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.

MAGHRENOV aims to support innovation in the Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (RE&EE) sector in the Mediterranean basin. The Consortium brings together partners from Europe and MAGHREB countries, whose shared goal is to establish a common Euro-Mediterranean innovation space.

The common innovation area shall be built around three major objectives of MAGHRENOV:
  • Building human resource and knowledge capacity and fostering innovation on Mediterranean RE&EE markets
  • Bringing together RE&EE initiatives in the EU and Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) in order to support development of sustainable energies and to establish dynamic Research and Innovation Systems
  • Creating mobility of young academics among businesses and research sector in the EU and MPC
