LOW3 awarded Solar Prize

Feb 04, 2011

LOW3, the solar house project coordinated by Prof. Torsten Masseck from the Solar Research Centre (CISOL) of UPCBarcelonaTech, has received the 2010 Solar Prize awarded by the European Association for Renewable Energies - (Spain call EUROSOLAR) under the category "Solar Architecture Projects".

The 9th edition of EUROSOLAR has also awarded other four Spanish teams who participated in the Solar Decathlon Europe 2010. Ecoproyecta and the Institute of Material Science of Barcelona (CSIC) have been also awarded under the category "Renewable energy facility users/owners". The Solar Prize recognizes every year the initiatives and/or exemplary performances in the field of renewable energies use in Spain.

In June 2010, LOW3 team won the architectural competition Solar Decathlon Europe for the self-sufficient solar home prototype. LOW3 (Low energy + Low impact + Low cost) is specially designed to be much more than a energy self-sufficient home; it is designed based on an exhaustive analysis of the life cycle of materials and components, optimizing the construction process and the change of uses (expansion, technological upgrading, reuse and recycling).

Currently, the LOW3 house is being reubuilt at Sant Cugat Campus by the project team (40 students from the School of Architecture ETSAV) as a laboratory for sustainable construction and experimentation in renewable energy and efficiency.
