2nd edition of ESTUDIA i EMPRÈN competition
Feb 10, 2012

The competition consists of two stages:
1. Business Idea: 10 ideas will be selected in this first stage.
2. Business Plan: The shortlisted projects will receive training and advice to write the business plan.
- Projects must include a technology component and/or innovation.
- Teams must be made up by at least one student from UPC.BarcelonaTech.
Three prizes of 2,500€ will be awarded to assess the project feasibility submitted by the enterprising team.
Business idea submission deadline: March 9th 2012.
This contest is organized by Programa Innova and sponsored by Fundació Caixa d'Enginyers, Sener and Solvay, in collaboration with EADA and YUZZ (Banesto Foundation), and supported by the Ministry of Education.
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