1st Rubí Brilla National Congress

A congress for change in our energy model.


Oct 10, 2014 from 08:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


Biblioteca Mestre Martí Tauler, C.Aribau 5, Rubí

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The first national conference organized by the City of Ruby aims to be a meeting of nationally recognized experts in the new energy model and disseminate successful experiences of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy held in different municipalities
Through Ruby Shines project savings and energy efficiency throughout the city is encouraged, committed to mainstreaming in order to convert a reference Ruby transition to a new energy model.
The first national conference organized by the Town of Ruby in collaboration with the UPC aims to be a meeting point of nationally renowed experts in the new energy model, and to share successful experiences with energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy in different municipalities 

The Ruby Brilla project promotes energy savings and efficiency throughout the city, committing to transversalitu to make Rubí a reference point in the transition to a new energy model.