
Universities in the Energy Transition: Science & Skills for Renewables Integration

5th UNI-SET Energy Clustering Event


31/05/2017 a 19:00 fins a 02/06/2017 a 14:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


KU Leuven in Leuven, Belgium

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The 5th UNI-SET Energy Clustering Event will explore how European universities can learn from and further cooperate in research, collaboration and education activities addressing renewables integration in the energy system.

The event will offer insights into innovative programmes and approaches from a multidisciplinary perspective through examples, lessons learnt and other best practice. The conference participants will also contribute to the development of thematic pan-European action agendas in the field of renewable energy integration in line with the Roadmap for European Universities in Energy published in December 2016. The overall goal is to strengthen inter-university cooperation and thus the voice of universities in the development of energy policy at EU level. The goal is also to make visible the substantial contribution of universities in implementing the European Energy Union.