
KIC InnoEnergy Iberia Info Day


03/07/2012 de 10:00 a 15:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


Auditorium - Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística-UPC

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10:00- 12:00. Block I – Presentation KIC InnoEnergy

1. Welcome and Opening
Pedro Díez – President KIC InnoEnergy Iberia / Vice-rector for International Policy UPC

2. EIT and the KICs in the Future European Innovation Landscape Horizon 2020
Diego Pavía –CEO, KIC InnoEnergy SE

3. KIC InnoEnergy – Objectives, Organization, Achievements and Outlook
Diego Pavía – CEO, KIC InnoEnergy SE

4. Industry Involvement in KIC InnoEnergy
Arcadio Gutiérrez – Vice-President, KIC InnoEnergy Iberia/ Director for Technology andEngineering, Gas Natural Fenosa.

5. KIC InnoEnergy Iberia Activities:

a. Innovation Projects
Mikel Lasa – CEO KIC InnoEnergy Iberia
b. Business Creation
Josep Miquel Torregrosa – Business Creation Director, KIC InnoEnergy Iberia
c. Education Activities
Josep Bordonau – Education Director, KIC InnoEnergy Iberia / Professor, UPC

6. Questions and Answers

12:00-12:30. Break

12:30-14:00. Block II - Call for Proposals Innovation Projects 2013

7. Technology WG and KIC InnoEnergy Roadmap
a. Introduction
Diego Pavía – CEO, KIC InnoEnergy SE
b. Roadmap Thematic Field Renewables
Antoni Martínez – Thematic Leader, KIC InnoEnergy Iberia / General Director IREC

8. Call for Proposals Innovation Projects 2013
Mikel Lasa – CEO KIC InnoEnergy Iberia

9. Questions and Answers

14:00-15:00. Block III- Networking

10. Informal Networking Lunch

11. Showroom of Products/Services by Ventures Incubated at KIC InnoEnergy Iberia