
i-SUP 2012

Energy Session: Towards CO2 neutral energy systems in urban environments


07/05/2012 a 08:00 fins a 09/05/2012 a 16:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


Bruges, Belgium

Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari


i-SUP2012 invites you to Bruges from 6th to 9th May, 2012, to discuss and present your ideas and results on Cleantech leading to climate change adaptation and mitigation and a sustainable world. Together with stakeholders from policy, society, industry and research we will plan and design new energy systems, new transport and mobility concepts, sustainable industrial processes for materials and chemicals, and we will work on new urban and rural plans based on sustainable principles.

KIC InnoEnergy will participate in the session "Towards CO2 neutral energy systems in urban environments"