
3rd UNI-SET Energy Clustering Event

Universities in the Energy Transition: Focus on Smart Energy Systems and Communities


21/11/2016 fins a 23/11/2016 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


Bucharest, Romania

Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari


The objective of the event is to mobilise the European university community to tackle the “energy challenge” by fostering inter-university cooperation and the voice of universities in the development of energy policy at EU level.  

It will provide opportunities for clustering of knowledge, exchange of best practices and knowledge sharing along the main theme of the event, which is derived from the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) priority “Smart Energy Systems with the Consumers at the Centre”. Participants will also contribute to the development of thematic roadmaps for universities in the areas of “energy systems”, “smart cities and communities" and “energy consumers”.

The event is organised in the framework of the FP7 UNI-SET project, an action implemented jointly by the European University Association (EUA) and KU Leuven, representing the universities in KIC InnoEnergy. 

Registration is free of charge. You can register until 7 November 2016.