
UPC student projects awarded #LasIdeasSeMueven prizes

Yesterday November 12, two students from the Escola Politècnica Superior d’Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú (EPSEVG) and the Facultat de Nàutica de Barcelona (FNB), took home awards at the 1st student contest focused on energy innovation “Las Ideas Se Mueven”, an initiative promoted by Endesa and Fundación Universidad-Empresa (FUE).

The first place was awarded to a student from Universitat de Lleida; while the second place went to Jaume Boldú (FNB) and the third place to Christian Olmo (EPSVG):

  • Jaume Boldú “Saving cold water while waiting for warm water” (1.500€)
  • Christian Olmo "Autonomous vehicle for car-sharing, saving costs and parking time" (1.000€)
