UPC.BarcelonaTech is the Spanish university with the most Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates

Feb 21, 2012

The UPC.BarcelonaTech is the spanish university with the most Erasmuns Mundus Joint Doctorates (EMJDs), the EU programme aimed at enhancing the quality of higher education and promote mobility and academic cooperation.

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates (EMJDs Programme) was launched last year and then the UPC.BarcelonaTech participated in 2 of the 13 pioneering doctorates. The university currently offers 3 EMJDs and next year UPC.BarcelonaTech will be participating in 5 of the 34 programmes included in this European Union scheme, which is accompanied by a grants policy.

In addition, as a result of both the mobility of PhD students and the collaboration with other universities, last year 63 of the 273 theses read at UPC.BarcelonaTech obtained the European Doctor mention. This endorsement certifies that the candidate has completed a three months (or more) stay in a university located in another European country, that the thesis was submitted in an EU official language (different from Spanish) and finally, that the Dissertation Committee includes experts from other European universities.

The international perspective of the UPC doctoral programmes attracts researchers from around the world. Thus, in the 2010-2011 academic year, 3,070 people were enrolled, with a high number of students from foreign countries (48.33%). Although the majority are from Latin America (especially Mexico, Colombia and Brazil) or the rest of Europe, the PhD programme offered by the UPC are also chosen by research trainees from Asia, Africa and Oceania.

The internationality of the postgraduate education will be strengthened throught the Doctoral School and the joint supervision of doctoral theses by universities of reference worldwide will be also promoted.

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