UPC, the first technical university of the state in the "SIR World Report" ranking

Oct 01, 2012

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) has successfully positioned itself as the first technical university at state level. In addition, the UPC is the third Catalan university and the fifth Spanish scientific institution according to the new edition of the "SIR World Report" ranking. Globally, the UPC has achieved position 266, one over the previous year.

"SIR World Report" ranking is issued by the Scimago Research Group. It analyzes different dimensions of scientific production published in academic journals indexed in the citation database Scopus.

The classification is performed from seven variables that deal with both quantitative and qualitative aspects, such as: scientific production and output, international collaboration, normalized impact, high quality publications, and the index of specialization, the ratio of excellence and scientific leadership. This last variable was included for the first time in the ranking.

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