Solar Endeavour selected by Ecotendències

Feb 21, 2012

Solar Endeavour is one of the projects selected by the jury of the second round of Ecotendències Cosmocaixa dedicated to the aerospace sector.

The first unmanned solar plane in Spain, the Solar Endeavour, along with an ultralight girocopter project for tourist purposes, a rocket-can that can get in-orbit small and very lightweight satellites and a pure air mobile bubble are four of the ten initiatives selected in the category .idea of the Ecotendències contest, organized by Obra Social "la Caixa", and dedicated in its second edition to the aircraft sector. These four projects are linked to the BarcelonaTech (UPC).

The award consists of a project presentation in the “Moure’s volant” session, the aviation industry meeting point to be held on February 21, at 19h, in CosmoCaixa Barcelona (26, Isaac Newton St.).

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