
A buoy manufactured by EOLOS and design by UPC was installed off the Dutch coast

The Laboratory of Maritime Engineering (LIM) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in partnership with RWE Innogy and the operator of Eneco Luchterduinen offshore wind farm, has successfully installed an innovative offshore buoy for measuring wind and wave data in the Netherlands.

The EOLOS FLS200 Buoy is a fully autonomous and all-in-one system which can accurately measure wind, wave and current. It has been designed to minimize offshore wind measurement campaigns.

Its purposely designed structural skeleton and mooring system provides the necessary robustness to withstand the rough environment of the North Sea, while at the same time reducing the weight of the system.

EOLOS Buoy & Neptune project were rewarded as Europe’s best innovators by the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology).
