RESSÒ wins three Solar Decathlon Europe awards

Jul 15, 2014

RESSÒ project defends an architecture that responds the ideas of ambient, social and economical sustainability.

Team Echo ETSAV the Polytechnic University of Catalonia becomes the Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 Versailles with three awards under his arm. The Vallès have conquered the first position so as Innovation in Architecture; and the third and Urban Society.
A total of 19 days (June 26 - July 14) racing to finish all the work done during the year. ETSAV team has made very good position quality sustainable architecture UPC and locate housing where Ruby serve local social rehabilitation.
RESSÒ team comes back home from the Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 held at Versailles between June 26 - July 14, with three awards under the arm. The team from ETSAV has reached the first position in both categories, Innovation and Architecture; and the third position in Urbanism and Society. 

The Solar House developed by RESSÒ team is to be rebuilt in Ruby, where the house will serve as social center.
