An International Commission confirms the good progress of Energy Campus

Dec 16, 2013

Between September-October 2013, an International Commission appointed by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte conducted an evaluation process aimed at assessing the progress of the Campus of International Excellence projects on four areas: 1.Academic improvement and adaptation to the EHEA, 2.Scientific improvement and knowledge transfer, 3.Transformation of the campus, and 4.Interaction with the business environment and local area.

In general terms, the progress report of Energy Campus underlines the links between all types of action in education, research, societal impact and relationships with businesses and industry, as well as the improvement in aligning those activities with the regional government and local business.

The Commission finds remarkable some outputs from last period such as the new industrial doctorate programme or the strong ties with non-European partners (e.g. India), but also introduces some recommendations.

Some of these recommendations include investing in international peer evaluations of research and education and attracting more postdoctoral fellows to the Campus.

Final resolution (in Spanish)