In-space wireless power transmission systems
May 01, 2011
Develop a simulator to find the optimal solution to transmit wireless energy to the space. This was the final project idea that Elisenda Bou has carried out between ETSEIB and MIT.
The international competition NASA Centennial Challenges 2006, that rewarded projects related to the space, gave the possibility to Elisenda Bou -then telecom engineering student in the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Telecomunicació de Barcelona (ETSETB)- to work in the implementation of in-space wireless power transmission systems.
This project responds to the trend that currently dominates the aerospace industry. It is based on the use of modular satellites, i.e., a set of specialized modules that connected together, they act as one satellite.
The software developed by Bou selects the optimal technology for the power supply to a particular satellite and designs the system components -transmitters, channel and receiver, that afterwards it will optimize, simulate and match "in order to get a module with maximum efficiency and stability, limiting their mass and volume. "
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This project responds to the trend that currently dominates the aerospace industry. It is based on the use of modular satellites, i.e., a set of specialized modules that connected together, they act as one satellite.
The software developed by Bou selects the optimal technology for the power supply to a particular satellite and designs the system components -transmitters, channel and receiver, that afterwards it will optimize, simulate and match "in order to get a module with maximum efficiency and stability, limiting their mass and volume. "
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