University of the Battery

Given the growing demand in the sector and in collaboration with Leitat, Albufera Energy Storage organises thiscourse in electrochemical energy storage systems.


Jan 22, 2015 09:30 AM to Jan 23, 2015 02:00 PM (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


Parc Cientific de Barcelona - C/ Baldiri Reixac, 4-8 - 08028 Barcelona "Edificio Cluster"

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The main objectives of the University of the Battery BCN are to provide attendees with an overview of the characteristics and fundamentals of electrochemistry applied to energy storage and to provide a thorough understanding of their applications in future Smart Grids.

Roberto Villafáfila from Formula Student UPC will give a talk on storage for electric vehicles.

The course is also aimed at creating a network of professionals involved in the concept of storing electricity at European level to develop demonstration projects according to the guidelines of the European Commission for the next 10 years within the H2020 programme.