PHYSICS4MOBILE: Physics along mobile technology


Oct 14, 2015 from 06:30 PM to 08:00 PM (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


Mobile World Centre (Barcelona)

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PHYSICS4Mobile, a way to use physical knowledge (in numerical and graphical environment) with mobile devices is presented. Display the physical in a more intuitive way with mobile technology. 

Energy efficiency or the principle of conservation of energy at the tip of your finger. Usage of MMT technology, viewed from simple examples, such as density calculation to more complicated problems, such as calculating the entropy of moist air. 

In summary, how to increase interest in physics with mobile technology! The graphics context and multi-touch capabilities of mobile devices at the service of teaching of physics and its use both domestically and technical. Join the PHYSICS4Mobile event at the Mobile World Centre School. This new technology aimed at both teachers and technicians and citizens in general in order to enjoy the benefits of mobile technology! 


  • Joan Josep Suñol and Josep M. Güell, Department of Physics, University of Girona
  • Manuel Moreno, Department of Nuclear Physics and Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

(Event in Spanish/Catalan)