e-GoMotion Challenge


Nov 18, 2013 from 02:00 PM to 08:00 PM (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


Sala d'Actes - Edifici Vèrtex

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e-GoMotion invites you to join a series of events and seminars organized in Barcelona during EVS27 and Smart City Expo World Congress to discuss about the future challenges of urban mobility. Public and private actors meet four leading European universities and secondary school students from Italy, France and Germany to share best practices and find sustainable solutions.

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) will host the session THE FUTURE OF URBAN MOBILITY. Agenda: e-gomotion Challenge Final - students from Italy, Germany and France present their ideas for a more sustainable mobility. Following, representatives from European local institutions and the automotive industry share best practices and illustrate technological solutions for the future of urban mobility and join a round table together with the e-gomotion partner universities.

The first 80 students to send a missage to eventos@e-gomotion.eu to participate in the Monday session will get a free pass for the Smart City Expo World Congress to attend the Tuesday's meeting "Smart Education for Sustainable Mobility" (10-12h) organised by e-gomotion project.
